Nandrolone decanoate, sold under the brand name?Deca-Durabolin or iPharma Deca 300
Nandrolone decanoate is or has been available in 25?mg/mL, 50?mg/mL, 100?mg/mL, and 200?mg/mL formulation in oil based sulotion.
iPharma made a 300mg/mL for any higher dose the injection pain is to much.
If you are on a high?Nandrolone Decanoate?Dosage, ?400-600 mg per week, then it is safe for you to?take?it for only 12-16 weeks, as we tell all our customers double the test intake with any deca cycle you use. if you take 300mg deca a week take 600mg test n week, this overcome all side effect of deca dick, and no sex drive.
lots of forms have this topic deca dosage and how much test with deca, best to do is double the test.
Another topic is deca and joint pain, Yes deca does keep joints and tendons healthy when lifting heavy.
Another thing worth mentioning is that this compound is notorious for increasing the?strength.
Overall, Deca is a great compound to use for putting on muscle mass and strength.
Deca Durabolin does have?certain side effects.
They are managable if you know what you are doing. (double your test to avoid alot of sides)
side effects with?Deca are Deca Dick and bloat (water retention).
Deca dick can be a tough one. Some users report using double the test to void?this side effect.
With Deca, your weight will most likely shoot up within several weeks. A lot of this will be water weight caused by the bloat.
iPharma deca 300 half life is 6-12 days. This means that it has to be injected once per week.
It has to be applied through muscular injection. There is no oral deca or pills. The ones you find in blogs are fake and don?t do anything.
You will definitely require a PCT after iPharma Deca 300